Westlea Church

Easter Services

  • To be notified closer to the time.
  • Christmas services

  • To be notified closer to the time.
  • Regular Sunday Services

    Services are at 10am in Westlea School

  • There are no services at Westlea on the following dates: July 28th, August 4th and 25th
  • Where supporting information or links to information resulting from a service has occured. This information may be found here.

    We welcome all ages.

    Services at Westlea are led by ministers and lay people of many denominations and backgrounds. Generally bible readings are taken from the NIV and the majority of the songs and hymns sung are either in a song book or displayed on the overhead screen.

    To download the latest Westlea Church OHP list in PDF format click here

    Get Adobe Acrobat PDF reader here

    Holy Trinity - Shaw
    Holy Trinity
    St Mary's - Lydiard Tregoze
    St Mary’s
    Lydiard Tregoze
    Toothill Church
    Westlea Church

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